web design for service-based female entrepreneurs & content creation for brands

Do you want your website

to scream YOU

and attract more
dream clients?

It's time to get a fresh website fitting your needs and brand with a feminine touch. Not only functional but also beautiful, aesthetic, and eye-catching. 

I help you create a website that aligns with you and your brand. 

A girl in love with the world and creativity


I’m Kinga, a Polish girl in love with life and the world. Interested in quite a couple of things and creativity is one of them. I design websites for service-based female entrepreneurs and biz owners to help them elevate their online presence. You can also find me creating some cool content.

A huge dreamer and also a big aesthetic freak.

We love to work with:

coaches • virtual assistants • SM managers • copywriters • ugc creators • content creators • other creatives

This is
your sign

if you're an ambitious woman who wants to level up her biz!

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

What the queens said

What the queens said

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